
England Ranked Worst In The World For CyberBullying: TALIS Survey

England Worst In The World For CyberBullying

England is the worst in the world for cyberbullying, a global education survey has found, with almost 13.9 percent Headteachers admitting their ‘student’s suffrage’ at the hands of malicious online incidents.

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The survey found that on average 2.5 percent teachers reported such incidents, while 27 percent teachers received reports about unwanted contact among their students through online or electronic mediums, which is quite high in comparison to the OECD average of 3.4 percent. Experts have warned British schools about the aftermaths of the issue, urging them to get a strong grip on the matter at hand, making it a top-most priority.

Australia came second in the word in cyberbullying with 10.6 percent of teachers reporting regular incidents of cyberbullying, followed by US (10.2 percent) and Belgium and Brazil (both 9.2 percent). Moreover, countries with 0 percent reports included Vietnam, Chinese Taipei, Slovak Republic, Russia, Portugal, Lithuania, Kora, Kazakhstan, Finland, and Chile. The report also revealed that 21 percent school heads admitted that bullying or intimidation occurred regularly, which was quite high than the OECD average of 14 percent. Moreover, 29 percent teachers reported physical and non-physical bullying.

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) surveyed teachers around the world to find out the impact of cyberbullying and investigate the total number of incidents reported by students, teachers, and guardians weekly in their respective schools.  The international survey polled 260,000 teachers and school frontrunners in 15,000 schools across 48 countries of the world. In England, 2,376 teachers of children aged 11-14, and 157 school heads participated in the Talis online questionnaire.

OECD Director Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher said: “Cyberbullying in terms of unwanted contact or students being exposed on the internet is the dark side of the modern age. But it is something that schools need to get to grips with.”
He said English schools still lacked a policy, however, some schools paid the utmost attention to the issue and made this their top priority. Some schools in France had even banned mobile phones. He added that the issue demanded systematic efforts on a collective forum.

Education Secretary Damian Hinds said: “These findings reflect many of the frustrations that I heard from teachers and heads when I first took on the role of Education Secretary and underlines the importance of the teacher recruitment and retention strategy that I launched in January, this year. We know that too many teachers are having to work too many hours each week on unnecessary tasks, which is why I have taken on a battle to reduce teachers’ workload so that they can focus on spending their time in the classroom doing what they do best – teaching.”

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