
Fun facts about FAST-NUCES

8 Fun facts about FAST-NUCES:

FAST is one of the leading educational institutes of Pakistan. It is famous for providing excellent faculty and outstanding research opportunities. So, students always look at it from this serious angle. However, talking to some of the students who give equal importance to fun and studies, we found some really interesting fun facts about FAST-NUCES.

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You are called a theta if you get 3.0 plus CGPA

Although the competition is very high among topers but who cares for them when even crossing 3.0 is a victory for you. In FAST, it is very tough for you to get a good score. So, if you are a student who even got 3.0 plus of CGPA, you will be called theta in your class. Definitely, that requires such hard work and luck to be one of those students but who would like to be called a theta?

You are repeating at least one course after the first semester results 

This is very common in FAST. I mean, you just started your university, and you are welcomed uniquely after your first semester results. Yes, you get a course to be repeated. A minimum of thirty percent of the students would repeat at least one of their subjects after the first semester results. The reasons can be a shortage of attendance, below-average marks, or simply not passing the exam.

The mingling of girls and boys can cause trouble 

Here comes one of the most common issues of Pakistani universities. What the hell are boys and girls doing with each other? Well, they can be having fun, studying together, doing a project, or anything. But our conservative mindset would not accept any of this. So, if you are mingling with the opposite gender particularly while doing sports or in the area of some Islamic studies teacher, this can cause you trouble. They will stop you and sometimes school you about it. You can get embarrassed but to survive, be used to it.

Some class teachers demand boys and girls to sit separately

This is true particularly about the Islamic studies teachers but you never know. Sometimes any random teacher can ask you to sit separately. Yes, the friends that you go out with and have fun with; you are maintaining a so-called sharia distance from them. Students find it very pathetic but with time they are so used to it, they start taking it as a source of enjoyment. If you have not experienced it yet, this can be anytime for you.

You can spot four girls among sixty boys in some departments

Some departments like computer studies and so-called typical male degrees have a very little ratio of girls in them. So, you can easily spot four to five girls in a class of around sixty students. Well, things are changing and more girls are opting for the subjects that were typically meant for boys. But this will take time to constitute half of the class.

You start another five years of the university during the last semester

Last semester is very important and you are waiting to have your degrees in your hand, right? Well, FAST can ruin your happiness by telling you how many subjects you need to repeat. You should understand the fact as early as possible that you are going to fail some subjects. No worries, this is the norm of FAST university now.

You cannot carry musical instruments on the campus

Well, there does exist a music society in FAST, and God! they have such artists. But outside of music society, you see a different world where you are not encouraged to carry musical instruments. Even sometimes, they prohibit you carry it on campus. So, if you have heard that there is a very liberal environment in this university, it is true only for selective cases.

Registration for new courses can take weeks 

The online portals where you have to register for your courses are not very efficient. So, after trying and failing to register, you have to go for manual registration. And guess what, it is even more difficult. You will have to wait in rows for weeks and get the course which is very rarely of your own choice.

Every university has some loopholes in its administrative policies and its implementation. We often think places like FAST are all facilitative. So, now you know students, although they seem to make fun of such rules, are sick of the system at many places.

Read more: Seven myths about students living in hostels

UMT 2025