The Government College University Lahore Psychology Department is going to establish a unit for Forgiveness Education and Practice. First of its kind in Pakistan, the unit will offer a certificate course on “Forgiveness Psychology and Practice” and will function in collaboration with the International Institute of Forgiveness at Wisconsin. We will collaborate with Dr Robert Enright, founder of the International Forgiveness Institute in Wisconsin, who offers special focus on self-forgiveness as well as interpersonal forgiveness.
Prof Dr Asghar Zaidi, Vice Chancellor of GCU, said: “Forgiveness liberates us from anger, resentment, bitterness, and destructive behavioral patterns. The increased level of stress, frustration, anger, resentment, and destructive behaviors such as suicide and self-harm are prevalent in our society. As a University, this is our major responsibility to address such problems. Only a few psychologists have expertise in this field in Pakistan.
The Forgiveness Unit will train more experts and provide various organizations with consultancy services. We will prepare a curriculum based on scientific practices of forgiveness.”
The Certification course on “Forgiveness Psychology and Practice” will be offered in Fall 2021. While explaining the purpose of the Course, Prof Zaidi said: “This course will not only educate and train people for employment and career success but also prepare us for serving humanity. The knowledge and practice of forgiveness will create a higher quality of life in our society, and individuals will have a healthier body and more positive approach towards life”.