
General knowledge questions on Software Engineering

general knowledge of Software Engineering

We are back with another interesting general knowledge quiz on software engineering. Read on!

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1. What is software configuration management?

Answer: Software configuration management is the process of controlling and tracking the changes that occur during the software development lifecycle. Configuration management ensures that any changes made during software development are controlled through a well-defined process.

2. Provide 3 examples of project management tools?

Answer: Histograms, checklists, and status reports

3. What is SDLC?

Answer: SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, and it defines the step-by-step approach for the development of software.

4. How to find the size of a software product?

Answer: It can be calculated by counting the lines of delivered code or by counting the delivered function products.

5. What are function points?

Answer: Function points are the features which are provided by the software product. It is considered as the most important measurement for software size.

6. What does RAD software process model stand for?

Answer: Rapid Application Development

7. Compliers, editors’ software comes under which type of software?

Answer: System software

8. What is the simplest model of software development paradigm?

Answer: Waterfall model

9. What is the most important feature of spiral model?

Answer: Risk management

10. What is software re-engineering?

Answer: It is a process of software development which is done to improve the maintainability of a software system.

11. In the software development process what is the meaning of debugging?

Answer: Debugging is the process that results in removal of error. It is an important part of successful testing.

12. What is modularization?

Answer: It is a technique that is used for dividing a software system into various discreet modules. That is expected to carry out the tasks independently.

Other than Interesting general knowledge questions on Software Engineering, you can also read 10 absurd questions that every computer science and software engineering student has to answer

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