The federal government has allocated funds of Rs29 billion for on-going and new schemes, in comparison to the previous allocation of Rs46 billion to HEC in the budget 2018-19. Out of the total budget allocated by the government, Rs4159.782 million would be spent on new development schemes, while Rs24887.100 million would be used to for the completion of old schemes under National Development Programme 2019-20.
HEC has 17 new projects in the pipeline for the year 2019-20, while 129 ongoing projects will be completed by the end of the current fiscal year. An amount of Rs4796.762 million was allocated for Federal Education and Professional Training Division (FEPTR), out of which Rs2425.101 million will be used for initiating new schemes while the rest of the funds will be used for completing the ongoing schemes. The Federal Education and Professional Training would be working on 20 new schemes while 10 old projects would be completed this year.
Moreover, the government also curtailed the funds allocated to Education Affairs and Services by at least Rs20 million. In the fiscal year, 2019-20 government allocated Rs77,262 million to Education Affairs and Services, in comparison to Rs97,155 allocated in the year 2018-19. Out of the total funds Rs2,831 million were allocated Pre-Primary & Primary Education Affairs services, Rs77,262 million to Education Affairs, Rs6,718 million on Secondary Education Affairs & Services, Rs65,233 million on Tertiary Education Affairs and Services, Rs300 million to Subsidiary Services to Education etc.
The government also reduced duties on paper meant for textbooks by 3 percent which would reduce the prices of books in a marginal way, benefiting the student populace at large.