IBA Welcomes New Students at Orientation Gala 2024

IBA Welcomes New Students at Orientation Gala 2024

Orientation Gala 2024
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The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi, marked the beginning of a new academic year with the grand ‘IBA Orientation Gala 2024 (O-Gala ’24)’, organized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). This three-day event aimed to welcome the incoming batch of 2024, drawing approximately 2,500 attendees, including new students, their families, faculty, and staff.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Ms Maheen Ghauri, Dean of Student Affairs, who acknowledged the students’ hard work and dedication that earned them a place at IBA. She emphasized the institute’s commitment to fostering a culture of inclusion, respect, and acceptance, encouraging students to take advantage of the numerous opportunities available at IBA. Ms Ghauri provided a brief overview of the Office of Student Affairs, introducing the students to the IBA Student Government, various clubs and societies, the International Resource Centre (IRC), the Office of Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusivity (DAI), the Health & Wellness Centre, and other support services that contribute to both academic and personal development.

Following Ms Ghauri’s address, Dr Mohammad Asad Ilyas, Registrar of IBA, introduced the three schools under IBA—School of Business Studies (SBS), School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS), and School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS). He highlighted the expanding hostel facilities, especially for female students, and underscored the importance of utilizing key student support services such as the program office, hostels, and transport services. Dr Ilyas also emphasized the significance of discipline and upholding IBA’s core values, while sharing essential emergency contact details for student safety.

The orientation sessions were structured over the first two days, with Day 1 dedicated to the School of Business Studies and Day 2 focused on the School of Mathematics and Computer Science and the School of Economics and Social Sciences. During these sessions, deans and chairpersons, including Dr Abdullah Z. Sheikh (SBS), Dr Shakeel Khoja (SMCS), and Dr Asma Hyder (SESS), provided insights into their respective academic programs and the courses offered.

On the third day, the OSA organized a meet and greet session, facilitating interactions between new students, their parents, and the academic leadership, including deans, chairpersons, and program directors. This was followed by the IBAzaar, an entrepreneurial showcase organized in collaboration with the IBA Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED). The IBAzaar featured around 60 exhibits, ranging from eco-friendly initiatives to tech, fashion, health, beauty, and food start-ups, allowing students to engage with a variety of innovative projects.

Throughout the three days, students participated in various games and activities designed to help them learn more about themselves and build lasting friendships. The event concluded with a movie screening, leaving students, staff, and faculty with a sense of community and excitement as they embark on their journey at IBA.

The success of O-Gala ’24 was made possible by the dedicated efforts of the Student Affairs team, student volunteers known as Orientation Captains, the CED team, and the student support and administration offices. The vibrant and inclusive atmosphere of the event set the stage for a promising academic year ahead at IBA Karachi.

Related: IBA Hosts Transformative Seminar on Dispute Resolution

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