IUB starts celebration of Iqbal Day

IUB starts celebration of Iqbal Day

IUB celebration of Iqbal Day
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The 10-day celebration of Iqbal Day titled “Jashan Khudi” continues at Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). Jashan Khudi is a joint effort of the Department of Iqbaliat IUB and the Punjab Arts Council (PAC) Bahawalpur. A large number of students from schools and colleges participated in the competition. Muhammad Afzal Jahangir and Humayun Azam, famous artists of Bahawalpur performed their duties as judges. Director of Arts Council Sajjad Hussain, hosted the function.

In his welcome address, he introduced the ten-day celebrations of the Arts Council and the Department of Iqbaliat and said that it is our duty to pay homage to Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal in recognition of his services. Dr Muhammad Asghar Siyal expressed his views regarding Iqbal’s philosophy of self and the realization of the abilities of the young generation. He informed the students that the center and axis of Iqbal’s thought is the new generation.

The special guest of the event, Dr Muhammad Qasim Jalal, gave a detailed discussion on self-understanding. In the calligraphy competition, the well-known poem ‘Khudi Ka Surnahan Laala Ala Allah’ was selected. Students showed their talents. According to the joint decision of the judges, Ayesha Waseem, Muhammad Ali, Zara Mashhad and Humadullah Mushtaq were awarded the first, second, third and encouragement prizes respectively. At the end of the competition, all the participants were awarded certificates.

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