
JSMU VC visits Institute of Medical Technology

JSMU Institute of Medical Technology

The Vice Chancellor of Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) Karachi, Professor Dr Amjad Siraj Memon, along with Registrar Dr Azam Khan, Director HR Dr Rahat Naz, and members of APPNA (Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America); Dr Javed Suleman, Dr Shahabullah, and Dr Talha Siddiqui, visited the JSMU Institute of Medical Technology (IMT) campus in Landhi.

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On arrival at the JSMU IMT campus in Landhi, Director IMT Dr Muhammad Imran warmly welcomed the Vice Chancellor, other dignitaries, and APPNA members, and then showed them around the premises. APPNA member Dr Javed Suleman and others applauded the Vice Chancellor’s vision of making JSMU a role model for the health sector.

Vice Chancellor Professor Amjad Siraj Memon said that he has a vision to revolutionize the health sector universities in Pakistan and to bring their standards up to the level of top-ranked international universities. He also stressed the importance of medical technology in the field of health and services. “We Will Not Rest Until Pakistan Has the Best Health Care System in the World”, he added.

Dr Javed Suleman said that the JSMU could be a valuable asset for promoting standardized health education among students from Pakistan and abroad.

Related: JSMU observes Yom e Takreem e Shuhada e Pakistan

UMT 2025