Under the Oil & Gas Development Company’s National Talent Hunt Program another batch of students have completed their graduate studies at the Institute of Business administration (IBA) Karachi. Studies of these students were sponsored by the Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL).
The batch which was consist of 15 students were awarded degrees in the disciplines of Business Administration, Accounting & Finance, Mathematics, Economics, Computer Science, Economics, and Mathematics.
MD/CEO OGDCL Mr Khalid Siraj Subhani along with Executive Director Services OGDCL met the OGDCL-sponsored graduating students ahead of the graduation ceremony and congratulated them for their hard work and success at IBA.
Several OGDCL-sponsored graduate students are currently serving at high positions at prominent public, private and social sector organizations such as Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), Philip Morris, Daraz, In-driver, and IRD Pakistan. Similarly, some of the graduated students are self-employed and earning a handsome livelihood for their families.
In 2016, OGDCL and IBA Karachi signed an agreement for the OGDCL Talent Hunt Program to offer an opportunity to needy and underprivileged students with rural backgrounds for three batches.
Since then, 205 students have attended orientation sessions under the supervision of highly qualified Faculty of IBA resulting in the admission of 27 students at IBA Karachi in four-year undergraduate programs.
Along with hundreds of other students, students graduated under OGDCL sponsored talent hunt program were also awarded degrees during the IBA Karachi convocation ceremony on Saturday.