University of the Punjab (PU) Lahore’s Pakistan Study Centre (PSC) organized a seminar on ‘Golden Jubilee of Pakistan’s 1973 Constitution: Salient Features and its relevance to Current Issues’.
On this occasion, former PU Dean & Chairman Department of History Director Prof Dr Muhammad Iqbal Chawla, Director PSC Prof Dr Naumana Kiran, Associate Prof Dr Amjad Abbas Magsi, faculty members and students from various departments were present.
In his address, Dr Iqbal Chawla said Pakistan was a federation and the nature of its constitution was Parliamentary. He talked about the Islamic provisions, fundamental rights and civil liberties as the features of the Constitution of Pakistan. He said that the Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all Pakistani citizens, including the right of life, liberty, equality before law and freedom of speech.
He said that the constitution establishes a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislative and judicial branches, however, in many instances; the judiciary has asserted its authority with the support of the establishment. He said that as a federating state, its constitution ensures the autonomy of federating units and it safeguards their rights. He said that it is necessary for the state to promote balance in distribution of powers between central and provincial governments. He said that today Pakistan is facing unprecedented socio-economic and politico-legal challenges. In his concluding remarks, he said that the judiciary has been a center of hope bringing the solutions to the problems.
In her welcome Dr Naumana Kiran highlighted the relevance of the topic of the seminar with contemporary Pakistan. She emphasized the significance of the constitution in the working of a stable state.