LAHORE: Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Niaz Ahmed Akhter met with the faculty of School of Communication Studies.
PU VC said Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) University of the Punjab has now been upgraded to “School of Communication Studies” with six new departments and three centers.
With the faculty of School of Communication Studies.
Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) University of the Punjab has now upgraded to “School of Communication Studies” with six new departments and three centers.— Niaz Ahmad Akhtar (@DrNiazAhmadSI) March 17, 2021
Director ICS Prof. Dr. Noshina Saleem along with her faculty members including Dr Lubna Zaheer, Dr Ayesha Ashfaq, Dr Shabir Sarwar, Fahad Mahmood and others visited PU Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Niaz Ahmad Akhtar to discuss the prospects of the newly formed School of Communication and departments.
It may be recalled that ICS was the first department of Journalism in the Indo-Pak subcontinent when established in 1941 and its nomenclature was changed in 1985 from Journalism Department to Mass Communication Department.
ICS has now become School of Communication Studies, located on the right bank of Lahore Canal. It offers BS (Hons.), M.S, M.Phil and Ph.D. programs in Communication Studies. M.S and M.Phil are four-semester two-year programmers while Phd programs require two semester (one year) class work and then three to five years for research work.