Academia Health

Sleep Deprivation Among Students: A Matter Of Concern For Experts And Parents

sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation can result from a sleeping routine that is less than 6 to 8 hours daily. Some obvious signs of sleep deprivation includes fatigue, irritability, yawning and sleepiness. Moreover, sleep deprivation increases risk of early death up to 12 percent. The quality and duration of sleep on a daily basis is vital for proper human functioning. Without enough sleep, your brain and body can lose their ability to function properly. 

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Sleep deprivation is quite common among university students who complain of not getting enough sleep due to hectic university schedules. Almost 60 percent of students report trouble while falling or staying asleep which affects their restorative functions.  Per a new research published on Study International website, students living in dorms or halls during the first year of their studies are affected by this new environment which in turn influences their quality of sleep, as many of them have not slept in such conditions before.

The study also reveals the profound impact of flat mates on sleep quality and duration among students. Peers or college friends that live together in the same space can cause sleep disturbance and can create a lot of noise. Loud music, parties, shouting and door slamming by the flat mates also disrupt sleeping patterns. Participants of the study responded that in even in such circumstances they were unable to ask their flat mates to reduce the noises or call security on their peers.

Lucy Foulkes, lecturer of psychology in education at the University of York in her exclusive interview to the Conversation, said: “Interviews suggest that social factors – other students – may be a key contributor to sleep problems on-campus. This makes a lot of sense when we remember that undergraduate students are still adolescents and that a key task in adolescence is to fit in, be accepted and establish relationships with peers.”

Numerous research studies also highlight how sleep deprivation can lead to drug and substance abuse among youngsters, playing a vital role in predicting their overall grades and chances of graduating from the varsity. Moreover, social factors such as living with people of the same age group, moving to university hostel or dormitory can also play a pivotal role in determining the quality of sleep, having negative implications on their overall wellbeing .

Sleep deprivation is a silent epidemic that is affecting millions of students around the globe. Societal pressures and employment patterns can also have an impact on students’ sleeping patterns. Majority of university students in Pakistan, particularly the ones who reside in hostels, miss their bedtimes and stay up late at night. They socialize at night and sooner or later entangle in the vicious cycle of drug and substance abuse. Moreover, hundreds of university students are battling  psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety etc. which in turn leads to insomnia and sleep deprivation, making them lethargic, inattentive and inactive during lectures.


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