Behind every choice that we make in our life, there lies an inherent impetus that pushes us down a particular path. If we talk about education, every individual wants to obtain quality education that is in line with his or her vision of life in the latter stages of age. Hailing from Peshawar, it was a difficult decision for me to head all the way to Sukkur in pursuit of an education that I always wished I could receive. Gladly, the decision paid off. And paid off well. Today, I feel really blessed to be part of this great citadel of knowledge, and among the numerous reasons that have made me love Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University, I am glad to share the top five.
Quality Facilities and Education
No matter how good a student one is, the way education is delivered to him or her matters a lot. Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University is a place where there is no compromise over the quality of education i
mparted. Sukkur IBA has some truly amazing facilities, like the Mathematics Resource Center (MRC). The centre is especially important for students struggling with Mathematics. No other university in Pakistan has such a facility as far as I remember. Similarly, it also has an English Resource Center (ERC) for students weak at English. Sukkur IBA also has a fabricated lab which no othe
r university in Pakistan boasts of. All these facilities coupled with an extremely well-picked faculty make the Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University a great place for learning in the true sense of the word.
Sukkur IBA is replete with students hailing from various social backgrounds, religions, castes, creeds, colours and languages making the campus an embodiment of diversity. It’s a melting pot of differing ideas that coexist in harmony. Each student is a part of the IBA family and each class a representation of Pakistan. So besides the mainstream education, Sukkur IBA is a great platform to learn about the various cultures, languages and people that exist across Pakistan, each as beautiful as the other. Sukkur IBA is helping young minds shun preconceived biases, giving them the opportunity to understand each other better.
Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University is a marvellous platform for polishing and showcasing one’s extra- and co-curricular skills. There is a plethora of events that continue happening throughout the year to keep students engaged academically, intellectually and creatively. Some of the standout events include Global Village, Dice Vice, Hult Prize, Sibacom, Math Olympiad and Book Review Competition. Clubs like, Quranic Club and many other also help students explore their fondness for subjects, disciplines and hobbies, giving them a chance and confidence to turn them into life skills.
A major contribution of Sukkur IBA towards the well-being of the nation is that it provides a sizable amount in scholarships to talented, deserving and motivated students. Surprisingly, three in every four students at Sukkur IBA are on complete scholarships, meaning 75% of students at Sukkur IBA enjoy quality education free of cost. Awards like NTHP, STHP, HEC and tens of other scholarships not only help discover real talent, but also enable underprivileged students have equal opportunities of getting ahead in life with education that is among the best available in Pakistan.
Sindh is well-known for the hot weather it makes its dwellers bear. However, the campus of Sukkur IBA is a haven to beat the quintessential Sindh heat. The campus has hundreds of trees and thousands of plants that turn it into a cool retreat on hot summer days. Each of these plants is meticulously maintained by an untiring gardening staff that leaves no stone unturned to make the campus look as refreshing as can be. Hats off and a big thanks to them for their efforts.
The views and opinions expressed in the article are the writer’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views and policy of The Academia Magazine.