Technology is not only improving how we access information, but has also altered how we perform at work. However, very few of us are comfortable with using technology.
Experts believe that continuous learning will be an essential component of future work environment where employees have to learn any new skill that comes into trend as the world evolves technologically. Building tech skills in students should be our top priority if we want to prepare our students to succeed in education and beyond. It’s a challenging task for educators and parents to empower children with tech skills that are essential for them to flourish in their formal education as well as in their future work place. Many studies have proved that students with better tech skills have an edge over their fellow beings, as tech skills enable them to pose the right question.
So it’s very important to equip our children with basic tech skills that will be in great demand when they enter professional careers. Here are some must learn tech skills for students related to any field of study.
Browser Searching Skills
Recent study shows that more than 90% internet surfers use different search engines when they look for any kind of information on the internet. It’s very important to know how to search smartly by using a specific search engine. Students can enhance their internet research by developing a strong knowledge about “keywords” and how to use different variation of keywords to get your hands on the best available information. Also there are lot of operators students can learn to narrow down their research and get the required information quickly. In addition there are lot of search queries that allow you to search a topic within a website while using your favorite web browser.
Office Skills
Office suit skills is mandatory tech skill for any student who wants to be successful in both academic and professional career. Although 50% of businesses and students around world use Microsoft, but there are lot of new players in the market. Almost all office tools are identical and switching is not a big deal if you learn any one of them. These tools help you create, edit and share different kinds of documents. Students can learn keyboard shortcuts, data import & export, data filters, autofill options, and different formulas to enhance their data presentation. According to Microsoft, there are 1.2 billion active users in world using MS office on daily basis so it’s a lucrative tech skill if you want to get ahead of your coworkers in future.
Basic Software & Hardware Troubleshooting:
Knowing how to do basic fixes in computer hardware and software is another great tech skill every student must learn. Students don’t need to be a professional technician they just need to learn about those common glitches computer users come across while working. This skill will not only increase your productivity as a student or an employee but also decreases you dependability on maintenance staff. In order to learn basic trouble shooting students can learn about how to install or uninstall a software properly, how to check the cables & connections, speed optimization, Wi-Fi connection creating and connecting, different hardware integration such as printer and many more. Learning basic tech troubleshooting will give you a sense of confidence while reducing your frustration that comes every time you got a message “Please contact the support”.