As we ring in the New Year, it’s vital to peek in future and rationalise the ways we can ease or simplify workplace activities through progressions in the education sector. This New Year is all about discussing the importance of soft skills for young graduates and the ways they can transform the workplace milieu. Education and workplace activities go hand in hand and hence following are the three key education trends, according Forbes, that employers and potential employees need to keep an eye on this year to upgrade and update their professional skills.
The Need For Hybrid Skills:
Hybrid skills can be defined as the amalgamation of new-age skills such as data analytics, coding and technology or computer as well as the soft or traditional skills which can include problem-solving skills, communication or collaborative skills. The jobs of the future will rely on a set of hybrid skills from a variety of subjects or areas that will change and transform multiple times over the course of our careers. This means that studying or majoring in just one subject at college or university for four years will not be a rational or sensible thing to do in the near future. The higher education degrees need to be much adaptive and flexible and should offer customizable credential offerings to young university graduates. There will be growth in modular learning and education because of its capability to allow learners to personalise the skill-set and knowledge keeping in mind their personal or professional career goals.

Education As An Omnichannel Medium:
Omnichannel is an idea that was born in the retail world but has many important implications on learning as well as other communication channels across all sectors. In today’s network society, consumers expect things to be at their fingertips and education is no different. Workers expect to themselves to be capable enough to learn on-demand or acquire skills or knowledge at that moment and apply them as soon as they get an opportunity to. Moreover, in the near future learners will demand more omnichannel experiences that will help them to learn from in-person as well as online mediums. Online programmes will be planned to keep in mind the fluidity needed by learners through which they will able to put their knowledge and understanding to work while working towards a professional degree.

Accentuate Soft Rather Hard Skills
While hiring, managers or employers look for an employee who possesses both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are job-specific skills which are acquired through education, certifications and training programmes whereas soft skills are interpersonal skills which include communication skills, collaborative skills, empathy, critical thinking etc. In near future, the pertinence of hard skills will get shorter as technology progresses more swiftly, and inputs become more automated. Soft skills are the new game changer in the working milieu and would soon be an essential requisite for hiring potential candidates. Hence the education sector is accentuating on the need to incorporate soft skill training in the traditional curricula, in order to make graduates more suitable or apt for the job market.