Lahore: University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore arranged two days online workshop in collaboration with the Hebei Chemical and Pharmaceutical College, China.
More than sixty students and respectable faculty members joined the workshop in seminar hall, Electrical Engineering Department, UET, Lahore. Aim of this activity was to bridge the cultural gap between the two countries and also to discuss the research opportunities. Prof. Dr. Farhat Yasmeen, Chairperson, Department of Chemistry, UET, Lahore gave the opening speech representing Pakistan. She shared the history, vision and mission of both UET, Lahore and Karakoram International University, Gilgit Baltistan.
Dr. Arjumand Iqbal Durrani, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry UET, Lahore, highlighted the cultural aspects of Pakistan in the PowerPoint presentation. Main focus of the two-days workshop was on the use of traditional medicines of both Pakistan and China i.e. Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) and Pakistan Herbal Medicine (PHM). The event was a great success with the aim of further collaboration in the field of research and student exchange.