Valuing Time again and again!!

Valuing Time again and again!!

Valuing Time again and again
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I grew up hearing these words on numerous occasions, “Gaya Waqt Haath Nahi Aata, kuch kar lo!!!”. Which means valuing time again and again. That was the time when, at that young age, I did not get the jist of it. I was “Procrastinating” and wasting time without knowing it. I enjoyed my time but what did I make out of it? I didn’t know and If someone had asked me that question at that time, I’d have failed drastically to answer that.

It is when I reached my late 30s and had very little time on hand; juggling between my job, social engagements, family life, out-of-hour office work & my writing interest; I started to realize that how quickly time flies and if I am not able to manage everything around me, the whole structure will collapse.

I was told by a wise man once that always remain busy to refrain from negativity. Another wise man said that you need to utilize your time in a way:

Overthinking à Write

Expand your mind à Read

Understand better à Teach

Confused à Take a walk on Sun

Figure out à Observe

The point here is that while you are trying to utilize your time efficiently, you don’t always need to be studying for good grades or working hard to achieve more at work. The effective utilization of time could be to build up slowing towards your targets i.e., Losing some weight / achieving muscle in the gym, or rather than browsing through social media while on a train, you can spend time reading a book or observing the scenery outside or if you are to think through a thing, you can ideally take a walk and be with yourself. I have found that sometimes, spending time with yourself can be very productive and you reach a better conclusion/judgment / decision by arguing with yourself.

After the recent takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, I started to read about the guy so that I can have a better understanding of his thought process and management style. I discovered that he makes every decision in 5 minutes, every meeting he attends is 5 minutes, and every discussion he is involved in concludes in 5 minutes. I started to think “Why does he do that?”

The person is involved in many companies and so many projects that if he takes hours and hours for meetings and discussions, he wouldn’t reach anywhere. The concept of “Time-boxing” is furthered by Elon Musk and he has hastened it by taking it a notch above. In true letter and spirit, he has understood that “time is the only entity that is non-renewable”. You can always have other entities back if you lose them but you can not have time back once it is gone.

The writer, Fahim R. Chaudhry, is a foreign qualified HR professional with over 15 years of experience in FMCG, Manufacturing, Retail and Education. His areas of expertise in HR are Strategy and HR Analytics.

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