World Teachers’ Day 2018: Dear Teachers, Thank You For Being So Awesome

World Teachers’ Day 2018: Dear Teachers, Thank You For Being So Awesome

World Teachers’ Day
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Good teaching is ¼ preparation and ¾ theatre.


So goes the saying. In fact teaching is one of the hardest jobs that come around. Entering a class full of boisterous youth, holding the attention of their wandering minds and replacing random thoughts with invaluable knowledge takes a lot of effort. That is why teachers leave some of the most remarkable impressions on our lives.

While resorting to teacher memes can no way level the gratitude that each of must offer to these amazing human beings, they somehow reflect the theatrics that many of our instructors are remembered best for. This World Teachers’ Day, we have compiled a list of school memes that try recalling the various types of teachers each of us came across during their academic journeys. It’s a token thanks, an acknowledgement that we remember and that we learned from each of the characteristics portrayed in these teacher memes.

As we mark the World Teachers’ Day 2018 today, we would like to recall the people who left some of the most significant impressions on our lives. Let us we take a moment to remember all the crazies we love to love. Happy World Teachers’ Day 2018 everyone. Don’t  forget to say a little prayer for your teachers.

Here’s a shout out to:


The Lenient Ones

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Oh boy, the joy to know that such people existed in our life.

The Strict Ones

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No excuse ever worked, right ?

The Easy Ones

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With these guys, you were always sure to get an affirmative.

The Demanding Ones

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There was just no pleasing them!

The Serious Ones

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Their commitment was relentless.

The Groovy Ones

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They knew they could shake it.

The Aware Ones

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Chuck Norris would have slower reflexes

The ‘Don’t care’ Ones

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Don’t know, don’t care; gummy bear!

The Quick Ones

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Blinking was a bad idea with this lot.

The Not- So-Quick Ones

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“It’s OK, I’ll wait.” And then it was an hour already.

The Experimental Ones

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Plenty of “Well, that escalated quickly moments” to look back upon.

The Lost Ones

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The face when you asked a question.

The Grumpy Ones

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They had really had had it, all the time

The Sleepy Ones

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We always wondered what they did all night, every night.

The ‘Always-losing-it’ Ones

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That was her, each time you breathed.

The ‘You Can Do it’ Ones

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The encouragement sometimes got too far.

The Sarcastic Ones

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“Oh! So you want to ask a question?”


And a big shout out to thousands of other unique souls that have shaped the lives of millions around the world for the better. We offer a big thanks to all teachers who are helping novice minds blossom into trailblazers of tomorrow.

We appreciate. We are grateful.

We thank you.



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