World Teacher’s Day 2022 is observed to pay tribute to the builders of the nation. Numbers of ceremonies were organized at the government level, schools, colleges, and universities. Seminars, and conferences, were among the programs organized to mark the day.
Punjab Schools Education (PSE) Minister Murad Raas also shared his message on Twitter in connection to World Teachers Day. He tweeted, ‘To all the Honorable Teachers on this Teacher’s Day, I thank you for all your hard work and dedication towards our children. My request is to handle our children with love and care. You are Nation-builders. The future of Pakistan is in your hands. Best wishes from me.
To all the Honourable Teachers on this Teacher’s Day, I thank you for all your hard work and dedication towards our children. My request to handle our children with love and care. You are Nation builders. The future of Pakistan is in your hands. Best wishes from me.
— Murad Raas (@MuradRaasMR) October 5, 2022
President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) Kashif Mirza said, “About 22 million teachers are working in moreover 131000 Public schools and 203800 Private Schools of Pakistan. About 7 million teachers are working in public schools and 15 million in Private Schools in Pakistan. But unfortunately, 49 percent of government school teachers and 86 percent of private school teachers across the country received no formal training during the past ten years, sparking a decline in student enrolments. All Pakistan Private Schools Federation’s survey has shown — both in the public and private sectors — that almost 58 percent of public-school teachers and 78 percent private school teachers have no knowledge of the national curriculum and also have not been offered any courses on assessment techniques during their pre-service training. Despite having better-qualified and more experienced teachers, public schools fail to match the education quality of private schools.”
The situation of teachers in Punjab province is not as per standards, as there are more than 80,000 posts of teachers vacant across the province. According to the Annual School Census 2020-21 there are 448,637 sanctioned posts of schoolteachers in Punjab and of these 366,671 posts are filled while 81,966 posts are vacant.
World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. It commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which sets benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers, and standards for their initial preparation and further education, recruitment, employment, and teaching and learning conditions.