Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi organized a discussion on ‘The Role of Media in Highlighting National Heroes’ at Haseena Moin Hall in collaboration with Generation of Media Women and Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists.
The event was presided over by Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan and the special guest was senior correspondent BBC Shafi Naqi Jami. Senior Journalist Mazhar Abbas, G.M Jamali, Brigadier Mohammad Tariq, Noor Ul Huda Shah, Ghulam Abbas Detho, Doctor Murtaza Mughal & Syed Nusrat Ali was also among the speakers.
Guest of Honor Senior Correspondent BBC Shafi Naqi Jami said that nations that do not have history do not survive, nations that forget their history are destroyed, society cannot move forward by forgetting historical heroes.
“We should know our history,” Mazhar Abbas said that today we have brought a lot of heroes from here. He said that Dr. Abdul Qadir had said that I have not seen a national hero bigger than Bhutto. An important role many national heroes make a place in the media headlines, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan’s hero was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Brigadier Tariq said that the role of media plays an important role in society, we cannot fight our fight alone, It is very important to have sincere people in the media to bring it to the fore. A woman who runs the house also has the status of a hero.
Noor-ul-Huda Shah said that the roots of the people in the earth, when these two meet, heroes are born; many heroes in our land Buried, history began to be erased as soon as Pakistan was formed in 1947. We have to strengthen the relationship of the people. GM Jamali said that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan laid the foundation of the atomic bomb in the national interest but he did not get the place he deserved in Pakistani society. Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan said that government and state are two different things we should worry about today because the world is very small.
Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan built universities and dispensaries. The work he did for our country will last forever. In the discussion, Majeed Rehmani, Syed Nusrat Ali, Syed Manzar Naqvi, Shamim Zehra, Mubashir Mir, Shehzad Khan, Dr. Shujaat Hussain, Hoor ul Ain, Shama Munshi, and Farah Ahmed also expressed their views.