Insightful Sessions on Child Health and Yoga at GCWUF

Insightful Sessions on Child Health and Yoga at GCWUF

Sessions on Child Health and Yoga at GCWUF
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The “Faculty Development in Summer 2024” program, organized by the Department of Sociology under the Directorate of Faculty Development at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF), recently hosted two impactful sessions on child health and yoga, drawing keen participation from faculty members.

Dr Binish Sarwar, a renowned nutritionist, led an engaging lecture and interactive session on “Child Health” in the video conference room. The event commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, setting a serene tone for the proceedings. Prof Dr Aysha Sameen, Coordinator of Arts and Social Sciences, warmly welcomed the attendees and introduced Dr Sarwar.

Dr Sarwar’s presentation delved into crucial aspects of child health, including child Body Mass Index (BMI), diverse diets, healthier food choices, and suitable sleep patterns for children. She also explored the significant impact of dietary habits and sleep patterns on child behavior, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to child health. The session was highly interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions and receiving friendly, informative responses from Dr Sarwar.

Mr Naeem Yogi, a well-known yoga instructor, took the stage as the guest speaker. The session began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a formal welcome from Prof Dr Aysha Sameen. Mr Yogi highlighted the profound interconnection between mental and physical health, demonstrating various yoga poses beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight, improving sleep, balancing hormones, and enhancing brain function. Participants had the opportunity to practice these poses and learned effective techniques to manage stress and anxiety through yoga.

Both sessions concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr Sajida Parveen, Incharge of the Department of Sociology, who expressed gratitude to the speakers and participants for their enthusiastic involvement. These sessions underscored the comprehensive approach to faculty development at GCWUF, focusing on the physical and mental well-being of children and educators alike.

The “Faculty Development in Summer 2024” program continues to offer valuable insights and practical knowledge, reinforcing GCWUF’s commitment to fostering a well-rounded educational environment.

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