Education In Pakistan And The Need For Dynamic Organic Curriculum
Education is the wholistic development of an individual. Intellectual, moral and emotional knowledge are crucial to achieve the end wherein a pupil becomes a.
Education is the wholistic development of an individual. Intellectual, moral and emotional knowledge are crucial to achieve the end wherein a pupil becomes a.
5 Ways To Improve Oral Communication Skills Building effective communication skills through listening and speaking is essential to forming social and personal relationships. Our.
WHAT?Is Fulbright Scholarship...The Fulbright Programme is a scholarship opportunity for the American and international students all around the globe introduced by Senator J William.
The recent expulsion of City School students over the dispute of fee increase has led parents to come further together against private schools and.
Only seven Pakistani Universities have been included among the best 1,000 higher education institutions in the world, with many of the big names in.
For most toddlers nowadays, parental pressure to start getting ‘educated’ begins much before the child can take the first step… A few years ago,.
Summer vacations are an exciting time of the year that is highly looked forward by both parents and kids.
The oldest seat of learning in the country, Punjab University, will finally get a permanent vice chancellor after Punjab chief minister finalised Dr Niaz.
After several weeks of speculations, rumour mongering and suggestions, the prime minister of Pakistan has finally appointed the chairman of the Higher Education Commission.
Students entering a university come from diverse families, cultures and backgrounds. But no matter where their roots lie, a common problem faced by students.