Career Guides

Scope of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan

Scope of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan

Biomedical engineering is one of the best fields in Pakistan. The scope of biomedical engineering in Pakistan is rapidly increasing and is in high demand not only in Pakistan but all around the world. The field of biomedical engineering is increasing at a rapid stage because every day we see new trends of technology evolving around the world. Biomedical engineering involves the field of medicine, and the technology in the field of medicine is constantly changing so is the demand in the scope of biomedical engineering in Pakistan. Every year many students opt for biomedical engineering in Pakistan because qualifying for this course opens a gateway to tons of job opportunities. Having a degree in biomedical engineering not only has numerous jobs but it has a rather secure, rewarding as well as a bright future. The scope of biomedical engineering is rising day by day. Are you interested in pursuing biomedical engineering but afraid there is any demand of biomedical engineering in Pakistan? Well, don’t you worry, you have landed on the right page as in this article we have discussed everything about biomedical engineering. So, keep on reading to find out more.

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What is Biomedical Engineering?

Biomedical engineering is the application of the principles as well as problem-solving techniques of engineering to biology and medicine. Engineering itself is quite an innovative field. However, biomedical engineering mainly focuses on the advances which tend to improve human health and the healthcare systems at all levels. Biomedical engineering also revolves around advanced healthcare treatments which include monitoring, therapy, diagnosis, and recovery.

How is Biomedical Engineering Different?

Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary specialization that combines different engineering specializations such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering with the biological as well as medical sciences. All of these are integrated within human biology in biomedical engineering to improve human health.

Scope of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan?

The scope of biomedical engineering in Pakistan is rapidly increasing and has a very high demand. Having a degree in biomedical engineering opens a gateway to numerous job opportunities. It has a quite secure, rewarding as well as a bright career. Biomedical engineering is one of the best fields because it has slightly less competition as compared to other engineering fields, which makes it easy to have a successful career in this field. Hence, the scope of biomedical engineering in Pakistan is quite high and in demand. Certainly, a great career choice.

Related: Best Engineering Fields in Pakistan

Major Subjects offered in Biomedical Engineering?

Biomedical engineering has many different options to delve into. But the core subjects of biomedical engineering include:

1. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
2. Organic Chemistry
3. Genetics and molecular biology
4. Systems physiology
5. Introduction to Bio-medical Signals and Electric Fluids
6. Quantitative Experimentation and Design
7. Transport Basics
8. Capstone Senior Design
9. Introduction to Medical Imaging
10. Tissue engineering

Jobs for Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan?

Qualifying in biomedical engineering will open tons of job opportunities for individuals. Some of these job opportunities include:

⁃ Biomedical scientist
⁃ Biomedical researcher
⁃ Lecturer
⁃ Biomaterials developer
⁃ Manufacturing Engineer
⁃ Quality Engineer
⁃ Physician
⁃ And much more

Salary for Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan?

While the salary depends on the qualifications, skills, and experience. It also depends on where or in which city the individual works. But the salaries in the field of biomedical engineering in Pakistan are from 40,000 per month- 100,000 per month. However, the salary increases with the experience and skills of an individual. It may rise from 60,000 per month- 300,000 per month.

Which Universities offer Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan?

Several universities offer biomedical engineering in Pakistan. Some of them include:

⁃ University of Engineering and Technology
⁃ Hamdard University
⁃ University of Health Sciences
⁃ Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
⁃ National University of Science and Technology
⁃ Ziauddin University
⁃ NED University of Engineering and Technology
⁃ Riphah International University

Best of Luck!

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